Personal Injury Attorney; When to Call - Featured Image
April 22, 2022
by Jamie Foster

Personal Injury Attorney; When to Call

A personal injury can happen in a split second, but the effects may linger for years. In the event of an injury, it can be hard to tell if you need to call a personal injury attorney. There are probably other things on your mind– am I even injured? Do I need to take a leave of absence from work? However, you shouldn’t downplay the importance of legal assistance when you are the victim of an injury due to someone else’s negligence. In today’s blog post, we’ll discuss what to do in the aftermath of an accident, as well as how a personal injury attorney can help protect your rights as an individual.

What is a personal injury incident?

Personal injury cases usually involve injuries that are caused by the negligent acts of another person or group. These cases frequently include automobile, trucking, and motorcycle accidents. However, they may also include events like bike and pedestrian accidents, or slip-and-fall incidents. Personal injury attorneys protect the interests of the victims of such accidents, ensuring that those liable are held accountable and that they are sufficiently compensated for their injury.

What to do (and what not to do) if you are involved in an incident

When you are injured in public, the first thing you’ll probably feel is embarrassment. You might try to brush yourself off and leave the scene of the accident to escape scrutiny. However, corporations and insurance companies are the only ones who benefit from this. When you are involved in an accident caused by the negligence of another party, it is in your best interest to stay at the scene, assess yourself for injuries, and contact a personal injury attorney. 

It is incredibly important to document your experience in detail with an incident report, police report, pictures, and video. This will serve as evidence in your personal injury case. It’s also vital not to say anything on-the-record that could be used as evidence against your case. 

Here are a few things you should (and shouldn’t) do in the immediate aftermath of a personal injury:

  • If you suspect an injury, get medical attention
  • Call the police for a police report
  • Take pictures / video of the scene
  • Fill out an Injury Report
  • Gather contact info
  • Do not speak any more than is necessary
  • Do not apologize
  • Do not leave the scene
  • Contact a personal injury attorney
Following these steps will help ensure that your rights are protected, and you are properly compensated for your injury.
Personal Injury Attorney | When to call

What does a personal injury attorney do?

Once you have hired a personal injury attorney, they’ll begin their investigation by identifying the liable party. They will collect evidence surrounding the incident and pinpoint exactly who was responsible for the accident. In many cases, more than one party may be found liable. Once the source of the negligence is identified, your personal injury attorney can begin to build a case to secure the maximum amount of compensation. 

Many victims of negligent injuries first think to call their insurance companies in search of compensation. What many don’t know is that they do not need to involve insurance before they hire a personal injury attorney. If your insurance company denies your claim or offers you less than you deserve, your attorney can help appeal the decision. Attorneys usually have more information about an incident than the victim does, meaning that they are well-equipped to argue to your insurance company on your behalf.

Have You or Someone You Know Been Injured?

A personal injury can happen in a split second, but the effects may linger for years. If you or someone you know has been injured, contact the Falcon Law Firm at 504-341-1234. Our attorneys will fight for your rights and seek the compensation you and your family deserve. You may also contact us online or visit us at our office located at 5044 Lapalco Blvd., Marrero, LA. 

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